For most of us, Saturn is the planet of fear, delay, obstacles, pain, and decay. We frown whenever we hear the name of the planet Saturn. However, the fact is completely different. Saturn is our Karma karaka. He is not the destroyer or a planet of punishment. Rather Saturn helps us declutter our minds and souls from unnecessary things, relationships, engagements, and thoughts making us undergo hardship and intimidation. As we all know 2024 is the year of Saturn. Thus, through this blog post, we will learn the ways to appease Saturn with tips shared by a renowned astrologer in South Kolkata.
Let’s delve into the tips and learn how to live without pain and fear surrounding ourselves with the lord of Karma, Shani Deva.
Astrological Tips to Appease Shani Deva
If you want to invoke the blessings of Saturn instead of his wrath, follow these tips with full surrender. You will experience the result gradually.
Karmic Remedies to Appease Saturn………
Do Your Karma:
Be the Karma Yogi. Meaning, you need to do your jobs that are assigned to you properly. Saturn is the planet of Karma and it also rules the 10th house in the Kalpurusha Kundali. Hence, if you want to secure the blessing and benefits of planet Saturn, do your work first. You can be a smart worker, but don’t be manipulative. Be wise while accomplishing your job.
Server the Destitute:
Offer service to the people and animals surrounding you who need help. Feed them, help them, and relieve them from their pain by offering whatever you can. It brings good vibes into your life. Do it from your heart. Do as much as you can and improve your Karma score as well.
Donate as much as you can, and don’t expect anything in return. When you get yourself engaged in voluntary work and serve people or animals without any wrong intention, you pay your karmic debts in actuality.
Walk Barefoot On Saturday:
Work barefoot on grass, and do it, especially on Saturday. Storms can uproot trees, but they cannot uproot grass. The grass bends and again it holds its head high once the storm goes by, and smiles again. So, understand the deeper meaning of why you should walk on grass on Saturday. Saturn wants us to keep going until our last breath. Be a learner, adapt to new things, don’t restrict yourself, and you will be a winner. That’s what Saturn wants us to learn through hard times.
Be Disciplined:
Yes, you heard it right. A malefic Saturn in the birth chart makes us lazy. We start procrastinating things instead of dealing with them. So, get ready, do your work on time, and bring discipline to your lifestyle. The reason why, Mars, the general gets exalted in the sign of Capricorn, the house of hardship, and Saturn.
Spiritual Remedies to Appease Saturn…….
Worship Lord Shiva, Hanumana, and Vishnu:
You can worship any of the deities named here. With whomever you feel your soul connection, be it Lord Shiva, Lord Hanumana, or Lord Vishnu, start worshipping him daily and continue your duties as well.
Chant Shani Mantra:
You can chant the Shani mantra regularly or every Saturday to appease Saturn.
You can chant this Mantra (Navagraha Stotram) – “Om Nilaanjana-Samabhasam Ravi Putram Yamagrajam Chayya-Martanda- Sambhutam Tam Namami Shanaishvaram”
You can also chant the Shani Beej Mantra – “Om Praam Preem Praom Saha Shanayshchraey Namah”.
Worship Peepal Tree on Saturday:
Start worshipping the Peepal Tree on Saturday. You can do it daily if you find time. Lit a diya under the tree on a Saturday evening and offer water to the tree in the morning.
These are a few tips out of many to appease the Karmakaraka planet Saturn or Shani Deva. To learn more tips to get good results during Saturn Mahadasha or Antardasha, consider approaching a good astrologer in South Kolkata. Personalized tips and remedies work faster and bring good luck.