Lord Vishnu is worshipped as Satyanarayana in Hindu homes on special occasions. Whether it is Purnima (Full Moon), Griha Pravesh Anushthan, expansion of business, a celebration for having a promotion in a job, or a welcoming new member of a family; Hindus find it beyond auspicious to perform Satyanarayana Puja at home. The importance of Satyanarayana puja is immense in our Hindu culture. Thus, people who cannot perform the puja at home count on online puja platforms and take part in Satyanarayana Puja online. We believe that no matter what the puja platform is, the puja should be performed with all Vedic rituals and norms to appease Lord Vishnu and obtain his blessings.
Origin of Satyanarayana Puja
In general, Hindus perform Satyanarayana puja at their places or online to offer gratitude to Lord Vishnu after the accomplishment of every event in life. Through performing the puja, we share our happiness with the benevolent Lord Vishnu. The mention of Satyanarayana puja was first found in Skanda Purana. The puja is specially performed on the full moon day in Bengali culture. However, in different parts of India including Maharashtra, Gujarat, West Bengal, and Andhra Pradesh the puja has been performed for years for various reasons to fulfill the Sankalp of people living in these states. This puja has a very special significance to the people of the Chitpavan community in Maharashtra. Whereas, at Annavaram, the daily fast is performed in the temple of Shri Satyanarayan Swamy.
The date of puja and procedure vary from culture to culture. However, the goal is the same and it is to appease Lord Vishnu to attain success, happiness, prosperity, peace, and abundance in wealth and health.
Spiritual Significance of Performing Satyanarayan Puja
Vishnu is the preserver of the universe. He is one of the lords of Hindu Trinities – Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva. The word Satyanarayana is derived from two words Satya (the truth) and Narayan (the highest form of Supreme Man). Satyanarayana epitomizes the personification of the truth in this universe. In performing the Satyanarayana puja, we offer our homage to Lord Vishnu who has created us and has been protecting us from all forms of evils and destructions. It is also believed that in performing the puja, devotees step forward toward Nirvana or Mukti from the cycle of Birth and Death.
Benefits of Performing Satyanaryana Puja
Devotees who perform the puja with their mind and soul are endowed with immense benefits. The benefits are as follows
- Securing mental peace, sound health, and harmony in life
- Welcoming happiness, success, and prosperity in personal and professional life
- Having a healthy life without disease, tension, and stress
- Prevention from enemy, evil eyes, black magic, and all sorts of negativity
- Overcoming obstacles in life
- Fulfillment of dreams and desires
- Ensuring a strong bond between husband and wife and among all family members
Satyanarayana Puja Procedure Online & At-Home
The puja is mainly performed on auspicious days according to the Hindu calendar; especially on Full Moon Day or Purnima. Devotees keep fast on this day. The puja is performed following the Gouri Ganesh puja with all rituals and processes mentioned in Hindu Scriptures and Purans with Satyanarayana Katha, Path, and Homam.
In Conclusion,
Anyone can perform Satyanarayana puja online through a reliable online puja platform like Live Puja Yagya, one of the trusted online puja platforms in India. Performing Satyanarayana Pooja on special occasions not only purifies your soul but also helps you connect with the spiritual world which is crucial to ensure happiness, peace, and success in life.
Om Namo Bhagwate Vasudevaya Namah